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Guest Book
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Name: Bobby D Smith
Date: 04/02/2008
Message: Visited march 29, nice place.
Name: paul lefford
Date: 01/16/2008
Message: hammer good job on the songs and web site cousin pauk
Name: Kane Harris
Date: 07/10/2007
Message: Jackie,
You have a great website. Thanks for helping us recently, too. It was great to meet you again.
Thanks for being a Christian Brother,
Kane Harris.
Name: Gary Johnson
Date: 03/22/2007
Message: Hey Jackie,
Had any of that cocoa and sugar "dip" lately? Been fishin in the bottoms? Squrrel brains and scrambled eggs?
Roll Tide and Semper Fi,
Name: wendy rowlett
Date: 12/07/2006
Message: I work for Jason Jones Trucking, Inc. out of Shoals,IN our phone number is 812 247 2954. We run in the midwest states.